Here is the team of Very Young Researchers (PhD, postdoc) willing to animate the community. The goal of the federation is to create a vivid community of people working at the various interfaces between physics and living matter including non-permanent scientists.
Please check the student's corner page to know more about these specific activities.
Emilie Bechard-Drimaracci
Emilie Bechard-Drimaracci is a postdoctoral researcher at Néel Institut. She completed her PhD in Physiology and Electrophysiology in 2023 at the Faculty of Science in Montpellier. Her research aims to deepen the understanding of neural network dynamics within microfluidic systems that replicate the brain's microenvironment and to enhance the development of innovative neurophysiological devices for detection neronal electrical signals.

Khouloud Arfaoui
Khouloud ARFAOUI is a PhD student in the field of biophotonics, working on trapping biological objects using optical microresonators. She obtained an engineering degree in biomedical engineering, and a Master's in biomedicine and structural biology from Grenoble INP - Phelma (2022). Her background is a mix of physics, electronics, machine learning and biology.

Amir Zablotsky
Amir Zablotsky is a PhD student at LIPhy, in the field of biophysics. He holds a degree in Physics and a Master’s in Physics of Complex Systems from Instituto Balseiro, Argentina.
Currently, he is studying the dynamics and structural properties of the microtubule lattice, with an emphasis on lattice defects. His work involves mathematical modeling alongside numerical techniques such as stochastic simulations and molecular dynamics.

Aida Gabriela Fernandez Contreras
Aida Gabriela Fernandez Contreras is a PhD student, working at the Laboratoire des Technologies de la Microélectronique (LTM) in the development of 3D scaffolds with precisely tuned stiffness and porosity for cell culture. Her research aims to understand how these physical properties influence cell behavior, providing insights to guide the design of artificial scaffolds for tissue engineering. Before pursuing her PhD, she earned an Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in 2023, specializing in Bionanotechnology.

Daniel Selma Herrador
Daniel Selma Herrador is a PhD student, working at the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy) in the field of Mechanobiology. He completed the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in 2023 (Leuven / Grenoble), specializing in Bionanotechnology. He is currently working on the assessment of cell intercalation with minimalistic in vitro assays made of cell quadruplets –microtissues of four cells. His research aims to understand how and why this spontaneous topological rearrangement takes place in morphogenesis, at the (sub)cellular level, and to provide to the community custom in vitro assays for single and many-cell studies.

Niloofar Pishkari