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Bio-inspired physics and engineering

Biomolecules, biomaterials, structure-function couplings

Leaders : Gaëlle Offranc-Piret (BrainTech), Franck Quaine (GIPSA-lab) et Elisa Migliorini (Biosanté)

This axis concerns biomaterials and biomolecules, using bio-inspired or more fundamental engineering approaches to understand structure-function couplings.  By understanding the links between structure and function in living organisms, the teams in this area propose bio-inspired systems for biosensors or new systems in the medical field.  This area also involves the development of biomimetic materials with innovative physico-chemical properties for the fundamental study of cells in model environments, reconstituted in 2D or 3D. 

Submitted on February 9, 2024

Updated on May 7, 2024